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Cardboard in Focus

From a mundane industry to a hot commodity

So many things have changed because of the pandemic and lockdowns. One of those things is the demand for cardboard. In 2020, the demand for cardboard boxes used to ship goods to consumers rocketed up almost 40%. No one saw this coming and businesses across the board are adapting. This transformation of the industry is more significant than anything seen in a generation. The lockdowns have locked in and sped up ecommerce, meaning the demand for cardboard boxes will remain very strong.

With that, prices for cardboard that is recycled into new cardboard boxes has gone up 60%, from a previous eight year low. If your business has a lot (or even a little) cardboard waste, now is the time to start a recycling program or enhance your current recycling platform. You can create an ongoing revenue stream from your baled cardboard boxes.

Starting a recycling program is incredibly easy and cost effect. You can purchase a new or rebuilt vertical baler from PTR to get things going. We have a vertical baler for every need. Check out our line up here. The money you’ll earn from selling your baled cardboard will eventually pay for the baler, especially now with prices so high, and looking to remain that way for the foreseeable future. Many cardboard box manufacturers are selling out immediately, while back orders pile up.

Another factor contributing to demand for cardboard boxes is the conversion from plastic packaging. Consumers are seeking out products with sustainable packaging. That means less plastic containers and more paper and cardboard based packaging. This is another strong trend that isn’t going away anytime soon.

That being said, not only would your recycling program create another revenue stream, you’d be doing your part to help the planet. This is something you can advertise to your customer base. Get the word out on your website, social media and with in store signage. This will position you in your customers mind as “doing the right thing” and gives them an additional reason to stay loyal.

Contact PTR Baler & Compactor to discuss setting up a cardboard box recycling program using our vertical balers or about enhancing your current one.

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