PTR’s Smart Baler features some of the most innovative technology in the industry. It will revolutionize your organizations current waste and recycling processes and will undoubtedly increase speed, accuracy, efficiency and safety.

User-friendly Touchscreen Panel
Our new Smart Control Touchscreen Panel has an interface much like that of a smart phone. So, if you can use your cell phone, you’ll have no problem learning the ins and outs of the touchscreen panel.

Keyless Operation
The Smart Baler also features keyless operation. You’ll never need to worry about searching for a lost key ever again. Losing a key results in loss of productivity, as well as unnecessary spending due to replacement costs. Rather than a key, employees in charge of baler operation will be assigned their own unique PIN number. This PIN will be used to gain access to the baler.

Optional Fingerprint Reader
Our Fingerprint Reader option, which goes even further to increase safety and eliminate improper or unauthorized use of the machine. This feature is also reminiscent of the fingerprint reader on your smartphone.

Triple Safety Switch
This innovate safety system includes the following mechanisms, all of which work together to ensure every action with the baler is completely intentional and in line with proper use.
Foot Pedal Switch
Concealed Proximity Switch
Door Switch

Precise Weights & Acutely Accurate Data Readings
The Smart Baler offers the most accurate weight readings possible. This acutely precise data will be extremely beneficial in decision making for your company. You’ll find it saves you valuable time and money.

The Quiet Pump Power Unit
The revolutionary PTR Quiet Pump now comes standard on the Smart Baler. It can also be retrofitted to existing units. The quiet pump operates at around 60 decibels, which is comparable to a quiet conversation. Its benefits are exponential beyond the reduction of dangerous decibel levels. It results in a better performing baler, more productive employees, less maintenance, cost savings and more.
Reduces noise levels
Helps prevent hearing damage in employees.
Enhances the ability of employees to hear more critical noises.
Improves employee well being & workplace moral, leading to increased productivity.
Allows you to shrink your footprint and downsize facilities.
Lowers distracting sound produced by back room, which heightens overall customer experience.
Reduces pressure, vibration and shock to the system
Lengthens life of the baler.
Improves efficiency and performs much smoother, resulting in less frequent maintenance.
Overall cost savings due to increased longevity and less necessary maintenance.
PTR continues to innovate, with the goal of improving operations at your facility. The Smart Baler will increase safety, productivity and efficiency, while helping your company reach and exceed it’s sustainability goals. Contact PTR today to learn more.