Tips on the way forward

As a business owner, leader or manager determining the best path forward concerning a sustainability program can be challenging. Where to start? What makes sense? What is the ROI? What are the side effects on other aspects of the business?
Start Small
Sustainability has not always been a consideration in business. It requires new thinking. Don't try to tackle it all at once. Gather your team and identify areas to make small changes. For example, try going paperless in the office. That saves money, increases efficiency and saves paper. An easy change. These will beget bigger changes as you and your staff shift your thinking.
Compensate Employees for Bright Ideas
It has been proven - incentives work in the workplace. Task employees with coming up with sustainability ideas. Their observations could be quite different from yours. Plus - have some fun with it. Make it a friendly competition. This is great to inspire employees and improve workplace culture.
Learn more about the circular economy
This is an economic approach based on the reuse and recycling of materials or products. While minimizing waste, you can increase profits. For example, a juice maker that uses glass bottles can institute a return program. Customers get rewarded for returning their used bottles.
Take a look at new tech
With technology developing at a very rapid clip, there may be some tech solutions you're not aware of. Make sure its true and tested before diving in, but this could be a game changer.
Integrate Sustainability into your business model
As you make progress and understand how sustainability efforts make sense (and dollars!) for your business, level up and make it part of your business model. As you and your team innovate - sustainability should be a part of that.
It is all about working Sustainability into your teams thinking. Just like efficiency and innovation. Its an essential variable to consider!