Over the years, recycling has ben integrated into everything from trash collection to designated containers for the different waste. However questions and misconceptions are still common. We break down the do’s and don’ts of recycling!
1. Single stream recycling. This includes the common things we know all about – glass, cardboard, metal, aluminum, cartons and cardboard. This is very straightforward. Just be sure to put them in the proper containers – and not trash bags!
2. Composting. This includes food waste, yard waste and compostable packaging. This is easy for consumers to do and for restaurants. A great article on how to compost is here: https://www.bhg.com/gardening/yard/compost/how-to-compost/
3. Electronics. Also known as “E-Waste” Something to consider – does it still work or can it be used for parts? If so consider donating electronics. If not, try your local recycling center. Also, some community recycling centers have special one day collection events.
4. Building materials can often be reused or recycled. However some must be simply disposed of. Consider if they can be donated or resued.
5. Clothing or textiles. Again, consider donating or repurposing clothing.
6. Foam plastic. Sadly, this has to go in the trash. Consider switching to a different type of product!
7. Fruit and Vegi scraps – Compost them!
8. Milk cartons – Yes, these can be recycled!
9. Plastic bags – This is tricky… They can be recycled but some communities have a special collection for this or don’t accept all types. An easy fix – reuse the plastic bags in your home. Great for small waste baskets. You can also use them for transporting items.
Check with your community for specifics about recycling. Every little bit helps! Want to start a recycling program for your business? If you generate a lot of waste via card board boxes for example – you can bale them and recycle them! Contact us to learn more about our Vertical Balers and our Rebuilt Balers.