Our new parts catalog is currently being produced and will be available this Spring. It serves as a great, at the ready resource – a must to have on hand at the shop. Sure, you can reference our parts website to find what you need as well. However nothing beats having a physical copy to flip through and reference. It is spiral bound so it stays flat when open and the gloss paper makes the pages easy to flip through.
The catalog consists of sections for PTR parts, BACE parts and Komar parts. The most popular items, like baling wire, are grouped in their own section for quick reference. Also included are very handy color diagrams, showing breakdowns of power units, baler eject assemblies and more. Since they’re printed in the catalog they are much easier to examine versus on the web. This will save you lots of time, zeroing in on the part you need and how things are assembled.
Colorful headers on each page make it easy to find your spot. Also diagrams and directories of parts for Control Panels are very comprehensive and helpful. You find everything related to
• Power units
• Polymer wheel
• Container bottoms
• Control panels
• Bale eject assemblies
• Electrical parts
• Hydraulic parts
• Mechanical parts
• Rebuild kits
• Oil heater kits
• TP stationary parts
• VCP stationary parts
• OEM Parts
• After market parts and more!
You’ll also find warranty info, contact info for parts managers at Komar, BACE, Maren and PTR. Our team is here to help! In addition you’ll find valuable maintenance tips like how to adjust reverse timer set-point on a standard baler program. An of course all of our social media handles and links to our blog can be found on the back page.
So stay tuned! These will be available soon. Sign up for our parts newsletter to be the first to know. https://parts.ptrco.com/mailinglist_subscribe.asp